Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year Resolution?

Wow, a blink of an eye and 2009 is almost gone. 2009 has been a great year minus the SPM and the farewell with my friends and teachers, ah memories! 2010 is arriving and what new year resolution have I got? Well, the simplest one would be to make 2010 a better year than 2009...but in terms of what? Health? No, I am free from serious illness, thank god. Studies? Yes,maybe...okay yes!SPM! Good results, please? Family, as I always wished, happy and loving family. Friends? Exactly, build good relationships with friends in Malaysia and also from all over the world. Also, garner all the knowledge and experience I could from the 6 months in the USA. Okayyyyy...I think that sums it all. Oh yeah, YSD second lvl assessment today. Nothing much but pretty much different from the normal interviews, well as you know it was assessment NOT interview. I passed the 1st stage, the group discussion which I was quite comfortable with. Then, 2nd stage, online assessment! I sort of struggled, no the fact was I screwed up haha. The verbal and numerical tests were my weakest because of time factor LOL, okay just had to admit that I was slow. Most probably wouldn't get it, even if I do, I wouldn't be able to attend the next round as I will be away for 6 months. No matter what, it was still an experience and I would treasure it for my future interviews.

That's all for now,I hereby wish everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR! May 2010 be a year full of colours and great events! Fireworks...


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